One of the reasons why we think President Trump is about to sail to reelection is because his story truly resonates with Americans. Trump has sacrificed many things just to be our president. He didn’t have to do that. He did it because he truly loves this country and its people.
This meme points out the life of opulence that Trump gave up, and that’s partly true. More accurately, Trump has a sacrificed a tremendous amount of personal wealth to be our president.
If you think back to 2016, remember that Trump lost a ton of endorsements and hundreds of millions of dollars in contracts for pointing out the fact that many illegal aliens are rapists.
Trump could have apologized, groveled and begged for forgiveness, and the extortionist elites would have let up.
But Trump refused to back down and it cost him – BIGLY!
Joe Biden, on the other hand, entered political office nearly 50 years ago as a relatively poor person, and he’s filthy stinking rich today. How’d that happen?
Someone should ask Joe Biden that question, but, oh, wait… Biden’s not taking any tough questions these days.