In 1917, Bolshevik revolutionaries decided that the interim government that replaced the Russian Czardom wasn’t going far enough with its social reforms, and pushed forward to establish what was effectively the first truly socialist society.
Under Vladimir Lenin and later under Joseph Stalin, the Soviet Union centralized economic planning, nationalized all industries, and implemented radical redistributionist policies. The middle class was wiped out. The working class, which was promised a utopia, starved under collective farming policies. The upper class, which Lenin railed against in the lead up to the Russian Revolution, was simply replaced by the Politburo.
Anyone who dared to stand against this new tyranny was silenced. It was not uncommon for dissidents to disappear into the night when Stalin’s secret police patrolled the country for even the hint of dissent.
This is where socialism takes us — away from our most natural instincts, and towards a new tyranny under the guise of social justice. So, whenever a progressive touts the often repeated line that what people like AOC and Bernie Sanders want is “democratic socialism”, this image captures our reaction perfectly.
~ Facts Not Memes