Forget Nazis, white separatists, Fox News hosts, or Orthodox Jews with podcasts — black conservatives are the bane of the left-winger’s existence.
The mere fact that they’re alive is a refutation of just about everything the left believes about race and what they call “social justice.” Black conservatives like Anthony Brian Logan, a YouTuber who decided to troll every white liberal at a New York City airport just by showing up with a MAGA hat, represent a new generation of black Americans — individuals who prefer to stand on their own, and refuse to be used as political pawns by liberal elites.
2018 saw black Americans ditching their loyalty to the Democratic Party en masse after hip-hop icon Kanye West posted pictures of himself wearing the same hat the gentleman here is shown with. While West has since ceased his foray into political discourse, the effects of his stunt haven’t worn off. Because the media was so hostile to a black American who simply expressed a political viewpoint, other blacks were able to see Democrats and liberal media pundits for what they really are — vile racists who think they belong on their plantation.
~ Facts Not Memes