The last week of June 2018 was one of the best periods of time to be a Trump supporter since…well…the week before probably, but this week was especially cataclysmic for the left.
To the dismay of liberal elitists everywhere in America, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced he would be stepping down from his post after 30 years of being the swing vote the left could count on in key cases. This allows President Donald Trump to solidify the conservative majority on the bench, meaning the Constitution will be well-defended for decades after he leaves office.
News of Kennedy’s departure followed the court’s massive blow to public sector unions. In that ruling, unions operating in government agencies were told they were no longer able to compel employees to join their ranks — effectively removing millions of dollars of political money from what is essentially a leftist industry.
And of course, this in turn followed an earlier decision by the court to uphold President Trump’s infamous “travel ban”, dubbed a “Muslim ban” by the fake news press. As it turns out, the fact that the ban only applies to select countries (and that 90% of the world’s Muslim population can still enter the United States), doesn’t really fit the definition of “racism”.
Just in case anyone had to ask — no, Mr. President, we’re not tired of winning yet.
~ Facts Not Memes