Recently, President Trump’s Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders publicly denounced the progressive push for Medicare for all – a plan that would undoubtedly destroy American healthcare as we know it.
The move came in response to Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, a self-proclaimed socialist who seems to be trying to capitalize as much as he can on the messianic image he has among impressionable millennials.
In this image, the content creator simply strung two images together in an attempt to discredit the Republican stance on healthcare. According to “Soldier Jane”, an unverified Twitter account, uses the U.S. Armed Forces as an example of a success story for government-run healthcare. This doesn’t add up in the slightest.
It wasn’t long ago when Americans were shocked to learn just how ineffectual the military’s healthcare system had become. The VA, for example, was characterized by extremely long wait times for patients — often resulting in individuals dying of their ailments before getting access to quality care.
The fact that the American left wants to use this as a model for everyone’s healthcare is insane.
~ Facts Not Memes