Let’s face it — the days of stoned college kids roaming around in Che Guevara T-shirts have passed. This isn’t because said kids aren’t socialists anymore — they definitely are — they’re just way too young to remember or care about Guevara or any of the horrible things that happened everywhere the communist revolutionary made his mark.
New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is in many ways the new Che — at least from an aesthetic sense. Sure, the 29-year-old former bartender doesn’t look like she would have the stomach to take part in any firing squads, or lurk around in a South American jungle to uproot every sense of stability in a given country. She is, however, the ideological thought leader for the modern left. Just consider how almost every single major Democratic presidential candidate dished out endless praise for her Green New Deal, even though it read like a freshman year term paper.
On the surface, Ocasio-Cortez has everything going for her. She isn’t horrible to look at (provided you’re watching the TV on mute), and she is perfectly happy to rehash every leftist talking point ever conceived.
The shirt you see here is a work of satire, but we wouldn’t be surprised if we saw people actually wearing it.
~ Facts Not Memes