After you look at this image, take a moment to seriously ask yourself: outside of prematurely removing President Donald Trump from office, what have Democratic politicians been campaigning on going into 2018?
With mid-term elections right around the corner, it’s a serious question that’s sadly easy to answer: nothing.
Sure, you’ve heard independent Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders promote a socialized “Medicaid for all” plan, which Democratic Party leadership has been lackluster in supporting. You might’ve also heard Chuck Schumer mention infrastructure a few times, something the Trump administration has actually offered to work with him on.
Aside from that, crickets.
The Democratic narrative both inside and outside of Capitol Hill has had little to do with actual policy, and more to do with scrapping the results of an election. In doing so, they’ve several times managed to stall progress on important items such as healthcare and immigration reform. Thankfully, this obstructionist tactic failed to block historic tax cuts.
~ Facts Not Memes