Have you ever shared an article on your social media page, only to have that one annoying leftist friend comment with a link to a Snopes article allegedly “rebutting” it?
Well, you’re in good company — because this happens a lot. Over the past few years, Snopes has become the go-to for many people to “fact check” conspiracy theories and other misinformation trends. On the surface, the service appears to be genuine. But, a deeper look into exactly what the website’s managers choose to cover reveals the site is little more than a liberal propaganda outlet.
The truth is there are a plethora of fact-checking sites netizens can choose from to determine whether or not a crazy-looking headline is true. Fact-Check.org and PolitiFact are just two examples.
Analyzing the news often requires pretty in-depth research, and this should involve more than a quick visit to Snopes.com.
~ Facts Not Memes