Despite claiming to be on the right side of history, Black Lives Matter activists often have a hard time finding allies. This image is part of the reason why.
This image, tweeted out by the account @StereoTheSecond, attempts to meet the conservative argument criticizing NFL flag protests by suggesting their own participants are also “remembering” slain individuals.
The problem with this is painfully clear when the first person you see listed is Michael Brown, whose death sparked the infamous Ferguson riots which later spread to St. Louis and throughout the rest of the country.
Michael Brown’s death at the hands of a white police officer was the spark that lit the fuse which eventually became the Black Lives Matter movement. It was from this confrontation where the movement gets one of its most-used protest chants: “hands up, don’t shoot.
Despite BLM’s claims to the contrary, this altercation simply did not play out they way many of its followers claim it did. Brown was shot after trying to confiscate the officer’s weapon, and never put his hands up. He resisted all the way through. Essentially, “hands up, don’t shoot” was based on a complete lie.
Now, there are serious debates to be had on the power of police and how law enforcement officer’s can be held accountable. However, Black Lives Matter discredits this argument by venerating individuals like Michael Brown.
~ Facts Not Memes