While this tweet is now just over a year old, it’s true gem from the 2016 presidential election that once again made its rounds on conservative social media pages.
On October 26, 2016, Hillary Clinton’s Twitter and Facebook pages turned into laughing stocks as it appeared the Democratic presidential candidate was wishing herself a happy birthday while simultaneously assuming her inevitable victory just weeks later.
As anyone with half a functioning brain could surmise, it didn’t go over very well.
To be fair, the caption suggests that the image was shared by a staffer who didn’t quite understand how the post would be received. However, this didn’t stop the scores of Clinton followers from taking a step back and questioning why the post was made in the first place.
For many, this pretentious attitude perfectly summed up Hillary Clinton’s struggle with connecting to the average American. While Donald Trump was brash and often crude, his spontaneous attitude resonated well blue-collar workers — quite a feat for a billionaire real estate mogul.
With Clinton taking every opportunity to remain in the media spotlight today, it seems as though not much has changed in the past 12 months.
~ Facts Not Memes