Since the days of Andrew Jackson, the Democratic Party has been marketed as the party of the working man — champions of justice for the downtrodden.
Now, a lot has changed since President Jackson’s time, but the Democrats continue to float this image around to bolster support each election cycle. Interestingly, the blue collar vote went to a Republican during the last major election, so the Democrats have been working tirelessly to improve their image.
Okay, that last part was a lie — they haven’t really done anything beyond virtue signaling to the media and obstructing the president’s agenda at every given opportunity.
So, how did the Democrats manage to lose one of the largest parts of their constituency? Could it be that they have consistently nominated super wealthy, out-of-touch elites that have almost absolutely nothing in common with the people they claim to represent? Seriously, does Hillary Clinton have a working class bone in her body?
Liberals may point to a few of the hard liners who appear to connect better with the working class, such as democratic socialist Bernie Sanders. But even Sanders is putting on a front between his stays at one of the three houses he owns — precisely none of which have been used to shelter the homeless.
~ Facts Not Memes