Ouch! Yet another hot poker in the eye of Bernie Bros everywhere!
Say, to all of you Bernie Bros out there: How does it feel to know that your revolutionary leader was just another major sellout to the establishment?
And here you thought the that the revolution was upon us. The day of the proletariat was finally here, and we were going to have breadlines and you were going to be able to throw all the Trump supporters in the gulag for reeducation. But instead, Bernie drops out of a winnable race and endorses the most establishment candidate ever, Joe Biden.
As one wise observer put in on social media, Bernie turned out to be “All beret, no Ché.” The question now is: What are you going to do about it, Bernie Bros?
Well, spoiler alert, we already know. About one-third of you will actually sit the election out as a “protest” vote. And the rest of you will line up to vote for Joe Biden. Because in the end, you were just as big of frauds about your little revolution as Bernie was.