Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is technically the Democratic Party’s frontrunner in the upcoming primary election right now, and that’s really telling as to where the party is at the moment.
Sanders set himself apart from the pack in 2016 by being the only mainstream candidate to categorically denounce capitalism. Even Hillary Clinton didn’t dare go that far, though she was more than happy to placate to the radical left when she thought she could. Sanders, on the other hand, made no such compromises.
The free market is evil, he says, because it allows some people to become more successful than others, and that wealth gap is a blight on society.
Well, as it turns out, Sanders has been quite the capitalist himself — that is, after he started earning his first official paycheck at the taxpayer’s expense. Apparently, the socialist senator is a millionaire. When asked to explain how he accumulated so much wealth, he mentioned his best-selling book — adding that other people could also be millionaires if they wrote best-selling books.
Way to go, Bernie Sanders — you just explained what conservatives have been saying for decades.
Perhaps this is really why Sanders has such an issue with rich people…
~ Facts Not Memes