Daily Wire editor-in-chief and podcaster Ben Shapiro is one of the most popular voices on the right today. His college visits draw massive crowds, and almost always generate priceless viral videos of triggered lefties who are flabbergasted that opinions exist outside of their preconditioned worldviews.
A big part of why Shapiro is so famous today is his epic takedown of Britain-born journalist Piers Morgan, who appeared to dedicate almost his entire broadcast to dismantling the Second Amendment during his tenure at CNN. After his humiliating debate with Shapiro following the Sandy Hook shooting, Morgan has since moved back to the UK, where he actually seems like a voice of reason compared to the rest of the lefties who haven’t escaped the island.
However, Morgan has been at his old antics again, and Shapiro was more than happy to relive the nostalgia.
The British journalist recently went on a Twitter rampage, denying the truth that the United States had a profound effect in the defeat of Nazi Germany during the Second World War. While it’s true the Soviet Union shared in this victory, one could make the argument that they were only able to do so because the US kept the Nazis so busy on the other front of the European theater.
Before America arrived, Britain was on the brink of utter ruin. Thankfully, Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt had a very productive working relationship. Without this cooperation, there’s no telling how the war might’ve ended.
~ Facts Not Memes