An American flag pin sealed in a plastic baggie stamped, “Made in China.” Ouch!
If there’s a silver lining to the Chinese coronavirus story, it’s that Americans are now awake to some of the bigger problems with outsourcing our manufacturing to China. In the midst of a worldwide pandemic, it turns out that more than 95% of our antibiotics, medicines and pharmaceuticals are made there. Yikes!
What if China just decided to shut down all exports to the US tomorrow? We’d be in dire straits.
You also see this playing out in places like grocery stores. In store chains that get most of their food supplied from American sources, they’ve been restocking shelves five or six days a week. But in the big box chain stores that are supplied from China, you’re lucky if they restock three times a week.
Sure, the big box stores are cheaper. How’s that working out for everyone who needs toilet paper, rice and flour on a regular basis?
Hopefully after the USA gets out of this free trial of communism that we’re currently in, we’ll take a long look at just how “essential” China is as a trade partner.