Here’s a funny Mel Gibson meme to help us try to make sense of the 2020 election non-results. This actually a pretty accurate portrayal of how President Trump’s base feels about the two elections.
Back in 2016, we were clean-shaven and sober Mel Gibson, happy and secure in our support for Donald Trump. This year, every Trump supporter was Mel Gibson in full “Braveheart” mode in our passion to vote for him.
Remember all of those tweets from people saying they were willing to crawl through broken glass to vote for Trump this year? Those were the women voters. The men were all ready to crawl across hot lava while fighting crocodiles with our bare hands.
Which is why the election results make no sense at all — unless you throw Democrat vote fraud in the mix. The enthusiasm for Donald Trump was off the charts, unprecedented and historic. Even the Amish were on the Trump train.
The enthusiasm for Joe Biden was non-existent. And yet this was somehow a close election? We didn’t even know the results within 24 hours? To quote Joe Biden’s safe word, “C’mon, man!”