A few years ago we didn’t need to offer this sort of advice to young people in America. But after 8 years with Obama in the White House followed by a four-year pandemic of Trump Derangement Syndrome spreading across America, it looks we do actually need to share this with everyone:
When you are in a job interview and you are asked “Where do you see yourself in five years,” try not to refer to the Boogaloo — even though you’re probably right. Instead, try to make up an answer that makes it sound like everything is fine – and that you don’t believe that America has descended into a banana republic.
Look, we all know that we probably are headed toward some type of Red Dawn scenario within the next few years — especially if Joe Asterisk ends up in the White House based on an election that was totally fraudulent.
But in the meantime, you don’t want mess up any short-term opportunities by bringing up “The Wolverines” in a job interview. Think, kids! You need this job so that you can purchase more supplies before it all goes down.
You’re welcome!