If you’re the type of person who likes to get into arguments with strangers on the internet (no judgement, we’re all like that here), there is a 100% chance that you’ve been called one of the words on this list.
With most internet arguments descending into name-calling contests, we thought it would be helpful to clear up what some of the most common leftist insults actually mean. We think this list is among the most accurate that we’ve ever seen.
As you can see, there is a bit of a pattern here. You might be thinking to yourself, “wait a minute, isn’t an Islamaphobe actually someone who just hates Muslim people?” And you’d be right — normally. But how often are people called such things based on little to no information?
Disagree with affirmative action? Clearly, you’re a racist who hates black people.
Do you believe that national security is important, and we should take our borders more seriously? Clearly, you just want to live under a fascist regime. Also, you’re probably a racist too.
We hope you find this list just as helpful as we do.
~ Facts Not Memes