Anyone who doubts the very stable genius of President Donald Trump by this point just hasn’t been paying attention. In his latest election stunt, which is obviously an election stunt to any normal, sane person, Trump has now convinced the Democrats to announce their opposition to women voting.
It must be really easy to be a Democrat these days. If President Trump is for something, all you
have to do is be against that same thing. No thinking required!
If President Trump cured cancer tomorrow, the Democrats would denounce him for destroying the livelihood of cancer researchers. “Trump hates doctors and scientists!”
Trump issued a presidential pardon this week to Susan B. Anthony, the women’s suffrage movement leader who fought for the 19 th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Anthony was arrested in 1872 for voting in an election at a time when women were not allowed to vote.
Like clockwork, Democrats are now throwing Susan B. Anthony under the bus. “Down with women’s suffrage!” These people are literally insane.
For Trump’s next election trick, maybe he’ll announce his heartfelt support for the medical contributions that Planned Parenthood has given to the world.