Here’s a protest sign that makes almost no sense whatsoever…
Before we go on, see if you can figure out what’s wrong here for yourself — take as long as you need to.
…got it? Hopefully that didn’t take too long.
This protest sign went viral for very obvious reasons, the initial one being that the idea of a barely sentient baby selecting his (or her!) own gender is patently absurd. The second one might take a leftist a minute or two to figure out.
Per the sign’s own text, the child in question has clearly already been assigned a gender — seeing as the person waving it around referred to the baby as a “he.” You can go down the rabbit hole a bit further by interpreting this as an indirect admission that there are, in fact, only two genders, but we may already be doing a bit more mental gymnastics than this image deserves.
~ Facts Not Memes