President Donald Trump’s recent speech at the United Nations caused shockwaves throughout the mainstream media, with leftist memers reacting in kind to the idea that it was somehow the worst display in the history of public oratory.
In this image, we’re led to believe that the president’s words caused even his chief of staff to bury his hand in his hands.
Here’s the thing: Trump’s speech was actually a notable detraction from his more populist messages in the past, and essentially fit the same criterion as a typical George W. Bush-style UN speech.
Instead of trusting this image to tell us the whole story, let’s take at one of the things President Trump actually said.
“The United States will forever be a great friend to the world and especially to its allies,” Trump said. “But we can no longer be taken advantage of or enter into a one-sided deal where the United States gets nothing in return. As long as I hold this office, I will defend America’s interests above all else.”
Sure, there’s some signature Trumpian language here – but ultimately this statement reaffirms the idea that America has a unique position on the world stage. This has been the position of every president in the post-war era.
The most shocking part about this speech was Trump’s Elton John reference to describe North Korea dictator Kim Jong-Un. Considering Trump has a nickname for just about everyone he verbally clashes with, this isn’t shocking at all – and is perfectly harmless.
~ Facts Not Memes