Everyone loves the part of Scooby-Doo & Friends episodes when the villain is finally unmasked. In this meme, the villain is of course The Media!
You may not have heard about it yet, because the media has been really restrained and responsible in the way they’ve mentioned it, but flu season is particularly nasty this year. That’s because there’s a new viral strain going around this year called “Corona.” You may have also heard it referred to as Covid-19 or the Coronavirus.
Like virtually all strains of flu throughout history, this one thrives during the cold, wet winter months and will probably have died out completely by summer. Wash your hands frequently and stay home if you get sick.
Also, Corona is pretty bad for all the usual risk groups: People with compromised immune systems, the elderly and so on.
So… it’s pretty much flu, but with a new and scary name. And if you’ve been watching the news at all, you should probably panic and buy all the toilet paper at your local Costco just to be on the safe side.
And if you were a cynical person… you might think the media is greatly exaggerating the seriousness of this virus to score cheap political points against President Trump.