On March 14, thousands of students across the United Stated opted to skip school to protest gun violence — at least, that’s what we’ve been led to believe.
The demonstration comes not without its litany of ironic statements, with one of the most cringe-inducing featured in the image to the left. Apparently, this student believes that the White House is an unguarded Garden of Eden while the typical American school is the setting of some old school spaghetti Western where everyone is armed to the teeth.
Of course, the complete opposite is true. The White House is under constant surveillance by armed guards. Security is so intimidating, the smallest breach can stay in the headlines for weeks at a time.
Your typical public school is the complete opposite. In this setting, virtually everyone except for resource officers are disarmed. Tragically, we’ve come to see exactly why this makes students and faculty so vulnerable. It’s even worse when armed guards refuse to do their own jobs.
~ Facts Not Memes