This is perhaps the most blatantly dishonest claim coming from the left since Donald Trump arrived at the White House.
According to this meme, Barack Obama’s presidency was completely devoid of any scandals or misdeeds. Such a claim is just as valid as suggesting the former president’s “stimulus package” saved the economy.
Let’s take a look at just a few of the scandals which took place under Barack Obama’s reign…
1. Fast and Furious: Obama’s attorney general Eric Holder actually allowed Mexican drug cartels to acquire firearms. The purpose was supposedly to help the DOJ track the gangs, but seeing as they were never brought to justice, this has scandal written all over it.
2. IRS targeting: For the first time in America’s political history, the IRS became weaponized against the regime’s opponents. Conservative groups applying for special tax status were routinely denied on purely political grounds.
3. Benghazi: This is something conservatives should never let the public forget about. While Libya was breaking down as a result of completely baseless foreign policy decisions, Obama’s State Department essentially allowed American diplomats to die. Hillary Clinton’s excuses for letting this happen still don’t add up.
Not exactly a scandal-free paradise, is it?
~ Facts Not Memes