How can you tell if your romantic partner secretly wishes for the revival of the Third Reich? In today’s tense political climate, it can be hard to draw decisive conclusions about everything — especially if you’re a leftists who believes everything is subjective. But, no fear — we found the perfect way to help you avoid becoming romantically involved with a Nazi.
Now, you might believe that the classic signs would include randomly goose-stepping, throwing up a sieg heil, or espousing the literal goals and beliefs of the Nationalist Socialist Germany Worker’s Party of the 1930s. Wrong! These are outdated signs to look for.
As this picture demonstrates, your partner simply having a political opinion outside the leftist orthodoxy is all the proof you need that you’ve been wasting your time with an unapologetic white supremacist. Does your boyfriend understand the economy under President Donald Trump wildly outperforms the economy under Barack Obama? Obviously, he’s a racist who believes in hate facts…whatever those are.
This might be a fun thing to send to some of your younger friends. After all, you don’t want your friends and family dating a Nazi, do you?
~ Facts Not Memes