Amen to this meme! Keep your dignity. Do not apologize for anything, do not back down, do not take a knee and do not raise your fist in the air to virtue signal your solidarity with domestic terrorists who are trying to destroy America.
Apparently, this is now a thing. If you go out to dinner and are forced to dine on the sidewalk due to stupid coronavirus restrictions, Black Lives Matter mobs will run up and scream at you through a bullhorn to try to intimidate you into “supporting” them.
Don’t do it. Be like this woman, who refused to sacrifice her dignity in the face of a howling mob. They screamed and yelled at her, but she refused to raise a “black power” fist in the air to pretend that she supports these cretins.
And not to sound judgmental (just kidding, we’re totally judging these losers), but that young man with his fist in the air screeching at this woman has never had another man push back against him for bad behavior at any point in his life.
Thanks to BS anti-bullying rules in schools, there are millions of rude, stupid young men like this in the USA today. Getting punched in the mouth is an important life lesson every young man deserves to learn at some point.
More we Patriots stand up , we are the larger, stronger in numbers
Life lesson?
Giving in to bullies only makes your life worst.