There’s a reason why legislating typically takes a long time. Balancing the wants and needs of everyone who will end up be affected by a new law isn’t easy, so it’s better to truly take time to craft a common sense solution to any particular issue.
This is not what happened in Parkland, Florida. In the immediate aftermath of the tragic mass shooting that occurred there, co-opted voices demanded swift action. Considering 17 students were killed in front of them, it’s definitely hard not to sympathize with them, but these are teenagers we’re dealing with.
With the gun control debate taking its time (as it should), the affected high school rolled out a solution many students aren’t happy with — clear backpacks. The idea here is to make it harder for students who may have nefarious intentions to carry out any acts of violence. In turn, students are calling it a blatant violation of their privacy — and they’re right.
But, this doesn’t make them right about wanting to punish the millions of gun owners across the country for the actions of someone who wouldn’t have been allowed to have guns in the first place if authorities actually did their jobs correctly.
~ Facts Not Memes