Tacos Are Not A Good Argument for Immigration
Everyone's heard this by now either as a joke or in complete sincerity: if the federal government began cracking down on illegal immigration, Americans might no ...Continue reading
Dumb Meme Suggests America is Committing Suicide
Americans from across the country have been forced to show a lot of strength over the past few weeks, but this idiotic image to the left suggests these unfortun ...Continue reading
Shameless: Charlie Hebdo Thanks God for Killing “Nazis” in Texas
There are so many things wrong with this image, it's actually hard to unpack in a single article -- but let's give it a try anyway. Firstly, if the name Char ...Continue reading
There Are Actually Two Left-Wings in America
It finally happened: thanks to the reporting coming from user-generated alternative media, prominent political figures such as Democratic Minority Leader Nancy ...Continue reading
Politico’s Tasteless Take on Texas
This political cartoon got left-leaning news website Politico into a lot of trouble, and they certainly deserve it. In it, we see caricatures of "Texans" tha ...Continue reading
Stop Comparing Kaepernick to Ali
The fact that political commentators have become de facto sports analysts over the past few months is pretty telling about the state of America's division. Neve ...Continue reading
Why Do Presidents Have to Do This?
This meme, blasted around Facebook by Occupy Democrats, underscores a pretty disturbing trend regarding the public's understanding of the presidency an ...Continue reading
Ted Cruz Was Entirely Right About the Hurricane Sandy Bill
While spending time to take part in the Hurricane Harvey relief effort, Texas Senator Ted Cruz fended off a classic leftist "gotcha" question from the media. ...Continue reading
Bernie Sanders is Already Making Harvey Political
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is often portrayed as being some sort of moral compass for the political left. After all, the self-described "democratic socialis ...Continue reading
Cenk Uygur Doesn’t Care About Jobs in Texas
To be fair, The Young Turks founder is probably still recovering from the verbal beating he received at Politicon by Ben Shapiro, but it's hard to beli ...Continue reading
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