We have to hand it to Chris Hayes and everyone else over at MSNBC — at least they’re honest about their blatant progressivism, which is much more than we can say for the anti-Trump marathon at CNN. But, that doesn’t mean we can’t call them out on things.
Progressives used to deny being socialists, and they would do everything they can to distance their ideology from that of communist Cuba, the Soviet Union, North Korea, and other oppressive regimes. In 2019, however, they’re no longer interested in hiding. A good bulk of the people that will be voting in 2020 have no memory of the USSR, the Cold War, or any of the human atrocities committed by openly socialist governments. For young Americans, the word “socialism” doesn’t sting as hard as it should.
But we still do have real life examples playing out today — the difference being that the media likes to ignore them. Venezuela is a country that made the sudden turn to socialism just decades ago, and the results are hard to ignore unless you pretend they don’t exist.
So, if you’re okay with recurring blackouts, eating your family pets, and having the government show up at your door if you speak out against them, socialism can be pretty sexy.