We all have our opinions on immigration policy, but most of us understand why the United States is such an attractive place for people to move to.
For the past few centuries, America has had a reputation as a land of opportunity where people are free to live their lives as they see fit. The country is also recognized around the world as a beacon for freedom of expression. In fact, it was the drive for religious freedom that drove the first European settlers to the continent in the first place.
Today, we’re seeing a very different mentality coming from migrants than we did generations ago. When boats arrived in Ellis island to unload scores of migrants from Italy, Ireland, Germany, and other places, individuals who met the immigration standards understood that they were going to have to learn a new language, start a new trade, and ultimately support themselves and their families. This is not what is bringing the migrant caravan in South America to the Texas border.
America no longer asks newcomers to care for themselves. These days, it’s the precise opposite — the government promises to take care of anyone who can actually make it here. Naturally, this why many migrants-turned-citizens vote the way they do today. It’s really weird that they didn’t just stay in their own countries…
~ Facts Not Memes