The odd cultural and political moment we’re in has resulted in a ton of memes related to the whole GameStop short sale war between hedge funds and a bunch of private investors on Reddit. If you’ve somehow missed this story, it’s way too long and complicated to explain here.
Suffice it to say that a bunch of normal people played the stock market under the same rules that greedy hedge fund managers use. Then, they clobbered those hedge fund managers by driving up the price of shares in a mall chain store that has been circling the drain for years.
As a result, the hedge funds have lost billions of dollars in the past week, which will be transferred from Wall Street to everyday Americans who outsmarted them in a populist financial revolt.
The way the media has been covering the entire thing is very revealing. As anyone who has used Reddit with any regularity knows, it’s a bit of a left-wing millennial echo chamber. That isn’t stopping the likes of CNN from referring to it as a far-right forum full of racists. The game is clear: the media will cover for the machine no matter what.
The whole thing is pretty hilarious if you take the time to read up on it, as this meme notes. Naturally, the media has declared the whole thing to be an anti-Semitic plot carried out by white supremacist Trump supporters – when the reality is that most people just despise Wall Street hedge fund managers and think they had it coming.