Former Vice President Joe Biden is so old that he’s suggested that he would be fine with limiting his possible time in office to just one term. That’s right: Biden wants the prestige that goes with putting the word “president” next to your name so badly, that he’s willing to hang it up early.
Apparently, the former VP’s supporters are just as exciting. This photo from his formative days on the stump paints a pretty accurate picture of where he stands right now. Just look at that energy!
President Donald Trump, who packs arenas like a rock star, should definitely be worried and threatened by this. Biden has some name recognition because he sat in the background while that other guy ruined America for eight years. Remember him?
All Trump has is iconic campaign merchandise, decades of exposure in the public eye, overwhelming charisma, and the funniest Twitter account in the history of the platform.
That’s right, Mr. President — take notice: that guy who slurs his words in front of 200 people is coming after you.
~ Facts Not Memes