In case you missed it, Joe Biden had a campaign event a few days in which a young Democrat voter asked him a question. Biden responded to her by calling the young woman a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier.”
Full speed ahead on that whole “How to Wind Friends and Influence People” thing, Creepy Old Joe!
Which do you suppose would be worse if you were a young woman in America? Having Joe Biden call you a lying, dog-faced pony soldier – or creeping up behind you to snuffle around in your hair like a wild boar searching out mushrooms in the forest?
At any rate, it was pretty mean. The young woman later said her feelings were really hurt by Biden’s somewhat non-sensical but still insulting comment.
This was just the latest in a long string of Biden gaffes on the campaign trail. It’s been clear for the past six months that Biden has lost his faculties and his campaign is now simply on fumes, despite his media-declared ‘frontrunner’ status.
So, if the “lying, dog-faced pony soldier” comment was as confusing to you as it was to everyone else, check out this meme. That’s… probably a lying, dog-faced pony soldier.