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It’s FIXED! Debate Rules Are Unbelievable

CNN released a number of contentious guidelines for the presidential debate that will control the June 27 meeting between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden.

The new regulations are a response to Trump’s March declaration that he would debate Biden anywhere, anytime, and at any time—a statement that put pressure on Biden to participate in the debate.

In May, the Biden campaign consented to a total of two strictly controlled debates. In addition to approving CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash as moderators, it sought an audience restriction. Tapper is among the most scathing critics of Trump.

CNN added the following guidelines on Saturday:

  • There were two pauses for commercials, which likely worked to Biden’s advantage.
  • During the interval, campaign employees won’t be able to speak with their candidate.
  • Two minutes for concluding remarks; no introductory statements
  • One minute for rebuttals, and two minutes for answer shots.
  • The candidates whose turn it is to speak will be exempt from the microphone ban, which is likely to help Biden.

CNN revealed their guidelines:

“Campaign personnel may not speak with their candidate during the two commercial breaks that the 90-minute debate will have, according to the network. Each candidate consented to appear at a standard podium; a coin flip will decide each candidate’s podium location. During the debate, all microphones will be silent, save for the candidate speaking first. Despite the fact that candidates cannot bring props or written notes to the stage, they will receive a pen, paper, and bottle of water. The debate will differ from past debates in a few ways, such as the lack of a studio audience. However, the network states that the moderators “will utilize all means at their disposal to enforce timing and promote a peaceful discussion,” just as they have in the past.”

Preparing for the debate is something Biden plans to do for approximately a week. Trump believes his opponent should undergo a drug test prior to the debates. In May, the White House declined to say if Joe Biden plans to use performance-enhancing medications to get ready for the presidential debates.

According to Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report on the Biden classified materials controversy, Biden is “an elderly guy with a bad memory.”

Politico Playbook questioned Ron Klain, Biden’s former chief of staff, about the use of illegal narcotics in his debate preparation. Klain declined to answer. Klain is going on vacation to assist Biden in getting ready for the debates.

  • A recent Harvard/Harris survey revealed that roughly one-third of Dems question Biden’s mental health.
  • According to a different poll, 82% of Americans worry about their physical and mental well-being.
  • According to Quinnipiac, only roughly one-third of people believe Joe Biden is mentally capable of serving a second term.
  • Biden declined to participate in more than two debates in May. According to Trump, Biden had given his consent.

September will see Trump and Biden face off once more.

Author: Scott Dowdy

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7 thoughts on “It’s FIXED! Debate Rules Are Unbelievable”

  1. All of America knows CNN totally sux, and we all know they also hate Trump and will do anything to try to help half dead Biden. I don’t know why Obama’s not taking old Joe’s place, after all he does call all of the shots for this fake administration.

  2. This debate will be a joke. We the people will not learn anything when CNN is part of the discussion. Biden will be allowed to bumble and Trump will be shut down. It is why I would vote for Trump no matter. With all that is happening in this country since Biden took the office illegally…why would anyone want him back in there. I don’t need to watch this debate because it will be useless. We already know who the better and more competent person is and it isn’t Biden.

    1. Don’t be surprised that they lock Trump up so that there WONT be another debate in September !! They are treating President Trump like Navalny in Russia !! Seems to be the same play book the Putin did to him !! And don’t be surprised if someone tries to either poison President Trump like Navalny and / or take a shot at him before the election !! I praise his S.S. detail !!

  3. It’s a trap for Trump.
    Don’t do it. They’ll shred you to pieces.

    They will contaminate your podium a mass with deadly viruses. They cut your mike. You can’t respond, They will edit it to their liking before broadcasting. It’s a no-win situation. Don’t get sucked in. The left is playing dirty. We all should be aware of this by now. The left can no longer be trusted. There is too much at stake for them to lose.

  4. CNN better known as the Communist News Network, will do everything they can to make Trump look bad, while doing everything they can to make Biden look like the smart one!
    All they will do is call Trump a convicted felon, while leaving Biden’s crimes alone!
    Thank God we know better!
    CNN’S people are Traitors, and Liars, and they do nothing but spit out propaganda news!

  5. How can any thinking American possibly back Biden, a 50 year beauracrat who never claimed one success in legislation, who tells whopper lies about everything, who cannot talk logically, who is anti-American, anti-Catholic, anti Israel, and is a total fraud. God only knows !

  6. People better watch out for the microphone in the ear.with obamas. Voice telling him what to say so it needs to be checked out

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