South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg checks off a lot of boxes for the Democratic Party’s next presidential nominee. He’s young, he never answers questions directly, he’s just confrontational enough, and — most importantly for today’s far left — he’s gay.
But Mayor Pete has more tricks up his sleeve — he’s a Christian…sort of.
Democrats aren’t dumb — most understand that running an openly anti-religious platform isn’t going to win over the average American. True, the party has largely embraced militant secularism, but they’re smart enough to pay lip service to Christian beliefs when they feel the need to. Mayor Pete is bringing this kind of talk back into Democratic circles…but there’s a bit of a problem.
Recently, Buttigieg addressed those who pointed out the disparity between his alleged religious beliefs and his politics — which include support for late-term abortion, something Christians aren’t known to like very much. Apparently, “God has no political party.”
Buttigieg is right — God is above politics. But Satan isn’t. And when you consider both platforms, it’s easy to see which lever he would pull.
~ Facts Not Memes