Just about any liberal living in the United States will tell you that Canada is a better place to live. Why they continue living in America rather than moving to a country where they wouldn’t even need to learn a new language is pretty suspect, but that’s a topic for another time.
Considering this, we have to turn our attention to the Honduran migrant caravan currently making its way through Mexico, like to arrive sometime right before November 6th (crazy how that works out). These people are obviously looking for a better life, whether that means better jobs or more generous government goodies. But…if Canada is so much better…why don’t they just go there instead? Don’t they have universal healthcare? Seems like the obvious choice.
Migrants are trying to get into the United States because it is much better than Canada — and every other country on the planet. The economy is a powerhouse, and just about anyone who is willing to work can. That is the truth.
We just find it amusing that the left will pour their hearts out over migrants while refusing to acknowledge why they are trying to get here in the first place.
~ Facts Not Memes