Has there ever been a more overrated prima donna from Hollywood who thinks they have total moral authority to lecture the rest of America than Robert DeNiro? Okay, don’t answer that. We could probably be here all day bringing up examples of even bigger Hollywood prima donnas.
But still… Bob has to be near the top of everyone’s list. We can’t think of very many people who turn into such potty-mouthed crybabies every time they talk. Has “Bob” DeNiro given a single speech since 2016 in which he didn’t start sputtering curse words that would have gotten our mouths washed out with soap if we’d said them when were kids?
He doesn’t even seem to care where or when he’s speaking. DeNiro just starts ranting about Trump and cursing like a crazy hobo on the street corner yelling at squirrels up in the sky. And while we’re complaining about him, why does this guy still have any street cred as an actor? He’s been playing “Travis Bickle” for the past 44 years! What a has-been.
Still, this meme is funny, and it carries a great piece of advice: Don’t be like Bob. He’s just another butt hurt crybaby socialist.