It really doesn’t get much more desperate than this…
In response to President Donald Trump’s consistent criticism of the NFL over allowing players to “take a knee” during the singing of the national anthem, leftist pages have been searching far and wide to portray him as hypocritical.
Based on this image alone without any additional context, you might almost believe they finally found something. But since context matters, they didn’t, and this argument falls to pieces instantly.
The pair of images presented in this meme show the president refusing to put his hand over his heart, presumably during the Pledge of Allegiance. They are taken from both the president’s performance in one of the first Republican primary debates, and in front of the White House after assuming office.
The problem here is that the president did put his hand over his heart in both instances, as reported by earlier this week.
You know you’re running out of arguments when even Snopes puts you in your place…
~ Facts Not Memes