Numerous Democratic mayors nationwide hired private security when their cities “suggested slashing” or “reduced” their police budgets, according to a Forbes study.
According to Forbes, twenty of the “25 major U.S. communities throughout the country” that took up the defund police movement have mayors who “enjoy the personal protection of a dedicated police security detail.”
Furthermore, Forbes highlighted that “only in cities ruled by Democratic mayors did police defunding—coupled with taxpayer dollars spent on police security details guarding public officials—occur.”
Baltimore, Chicago, Denver, San Diego, San Francisco, and New York City were among the cities where this took place.
Breitbart News reported on similar events involving certain municipal council members who supported cutting off police funds.
For instance, Nury Martinez, a Democrat and president of the Los Angeles City Council, lobbied for a reduction in police funding in the summer of 2020 while having a private LAPD police unit positioned outside her residence.
The cops had been outside Martinez’s home for a few months, according to a report from Spectrum News 1 on June 9, 2020.
Furthermore, Breitbart News noted on June 27, 2020, that Minneapolis paid $63,000 for private security for three members of the city council who said they had received threats.
“Andrea Jenkins (Ward 8), Phillipe Cunningham (Ward 4), and Alondra Cano (Ward 9)” were the three council members Fox 9 named as having the security detail. The three members were “outspoken proponents of defunding the Minneapolis Police Department.”
Anybody really surprised by this.These jokers are the ones promoting crime waves with their lack of respect for law enforcement.Yet they want 24/7 protection from them we don’t get.
These 2 faced scum bags use taxpayer money to pay for their private security, while telling everybody else to go to Hell!
Anybody voting for any Democrat, needs to get their head examined!
People what do you expect, when you agree with radical control freaks Democrats.
Safety for me but not you.
Didn’t anyone understand this .
The Brainless keep voting for Democrats so let them “enjoy” their choices,they deserve it also deserve to pay for the Democrats Private Securith as they elected to do so.
It seems more and more obvious everyday that the Democrats are the originators and masters of “Do as I say – Not as I do”. That they are dictators and not representatives. And, that their major interest in this country is how much money they can squeeze out.of it.
Time to start locking them up. For Treasonous acts.
Two faced bastards! Voting for a demoncrat is like voting to have your ass handed to you on a plate. FJB and his whole queer administration!
It’s too bad 99.9% of the Democrats won’t see this and if they do see if they won’t believe it, they are so brainwashed that they cannot think for themselves they have to just quote the Democrat talking points and about it over and over and over againit would be nice if the Democrats were well rounded and observed news channels besides CNN MSNBC or ABC
I have been trying to tell people about the lieing dem-o-craps it is mind blowing how some will read about how bad the democrats are doing and still run out and vote for them.!!!!. You just can’t kick some idiots hard enough to get their brains to work. They will still run out and vote for Joe Biden and his trails of putt putt masters. That is why our country is going to hell in a hand basket. Why is it so hard to see and understand that our food is sky high and gas is and rent is and everything we need to live is sky high and crime is taking over our cities and drug cartels are killing our people and it’s all the democrats fault. Biden open up the borders and let all kinds of evil in and yet some stupid people will still vote democrat. How in hell can a brain not tell how the democrats are destroying this country their even letting china buy up our land close to all our military bases!!!!! And yet still vote democrat !!! Biden is the cause of rape and human trafficking and yet some will still vote for him!! I just don’t understand how they can do this . Do these people hate America is that why they can vote democrat ??? . Well I love my country and I want all democrats to get the hell out !!! Get our country back and take care of it not destroy it . Vote Trump not these American hateing democrats.
I just read that the Democrat voters have voted to replace Biden with Newsom. Biden is an unmitigated disaster, but, he is suffering from dementia or other mental illnesses. Newsom is also an unmitigated disaster – ask California’s. What us his excuse?
KNOW we cannot let Newsom become president that man has destroyed California he will destroy everything in America that man will be twice worst than Biden. Just don’t vote for any democrat to do so is voting for the death of our country. Stop being an idiot stop destroying our nation vote all democrats out save America save our lives . Please don’t vote for any democrat period God save us
Democrats = Confederates = Pro Slavery = KKK = Anti-America