Looking back at Barack Obama’s time in the Oval Office, it’s difficult to even think of him as a real “president” now that Donald Trump is steering the ship. Thinking back to the sad eight years of Obama trying to “manage America’s decline” by selling out the country, there’s just no comparison between the two.
From paying signing bonuses to ISIS fighters in Syria with our tax dollars, to giving Iran the
capability, and to build nukes to dealing with illegal immigration, it’s clear that Barack Obama despised the very people he was tasked with leading. Every decision he made was the wrong one.
This is even clear when it comes to infectious disease outbreaks. When Ebola was rampaging through Africa, Obama didn’t shut down travel from that continent. In fact, he allowed American doctors who had been treating Ebola patients to fly back to America and didn’t quarantine them, risking the lives of tens of millions of Americans.
Trump immediately shut down flights from China to protect us. As Prince Harry—whoops! As
“just Harry” notes in this meme, that’s a real president.