Sleepy, Creepy Joe Biden is now the presumptive nominee for the Democrats to run against President Trump in November. This presents a significant challenge to Joe Biden’s ghoulish handlers, because they still have a lot of months to try to fool the public into thinking Joe is not mentally incompetent due to dementia.
One solution they’ve come up with: “Here’s the Deal” – the Official Joe Biden Podcast!
If they can just record the shows and edit all of Joe’s rambling, nonsensical utterances into something that sounds not-crazy, maybe that will solve the problem, right? Yeah, not so much.
This meme, of course, references one of Biden’s most recent public gaffes from before the coronavirus outbreak. Biden was quoting the Declaration of Independence and got lost, finally surrendering by declaring that we are all created equal by, “You know, the thing!”
Biden’s inaugural podcast was a hoot, by the way. We’ve got economic turmoil, a pandemic, 17 million Americans out of work… and Biden literally talked about how he likes Fig Newton’s.
“They’re small and I can sneak ‘em.” (Actual Biden quote.)
Well done, Democrats!