To be fair, The Young Turks founder is probably still recovering from the verbal beating he received at Politicon by Ben Shapiro, but it’s hard to believe that the self-described “independent progressive” can still be this dense.
Uygur’s statement here is pretty indicative of where his priorities lie. While the loss of life and property in Houston, Texas at the hands of Hurricane Harvey are tragic enough, these are not the only things that will make life challenging for Texans going forward.
The billions of dollars in damage done to the oil industry, as the liberal commentator puts, has a direct effect on quality of life in the area. Oil is not only a major cash crop for the Lone Star Republic, but also one of its most prolific job creators.
Of course, the very idea of individuals sustaining themselves through the oil industry is probably disgusting to people like Cenk, so it’s hard to expect anything less.
~ Facts Not Memes