Lo and behold, a reporter who has probably been fired or at least reprimanded by his liberal masters tried to pin Joe Biden down on a real question last week. He kept pressing Biden to tell America whether he supports “packing” the Supreme Court, i.e. adding a bunch of liberal activists to the court so that it will never again have a majority of constitutionalists.
The reporter asked Biden if the voters deserve to know his answer to that question, since packing the court would forever alter the fabric of our system of government. Biden responded, “No, they don’t.”
Got it? Voters don’t deserve to know what Biden plans to do to America until after he is elected. Who do you pesky voters think you are?!
As this meme notes, Biden has been in public office for nearly five decades now – and he’s still not going to reveal his plans to us. It’s almost as bad as Nancy Pelosi telling Americans that Congress needed to pass Obamacare, before anyone could actually see what was in it.
Can we trust a politician who won’t actually tell us what his plan is?