We may get tired of all the Baby Yoda memes as we have to wait for season two of The Mandalorian, but in the meantime, social media seems content to keep getting lots of mileage out of the little guy. Just look at him!
Yes, we all binge-watched the show over our Christmas vacation. And we’ve all set our New Years Resolutions, which were to get in better shape, lose weight, make more money, improve our marriages or meet someone to marry or at least get cozy with, help Trump win reelection in November, and so on.
But this is also a time when we need to remind ourselves of really important things aside from ourselves. We can’t get caught up in pop culture distractions, the “always in crisis mode” 24- hour fake news cycle, and other various shiny objects that pull our attention away from the things that really matter.
That’s the message of Baby Yoda in this meme. Keep your eye on the ball as we move into 2020, folks. We’ve got an election to win this year.
Oh, and Epstein didn’t kill himself.