What a month it’s been so far!
First, we have the Iowa caucuses in which the Democrat Party demonstrated its inability to count small groups of people. We’ll be lucky if the UN doesn’t send in troops before March to try to secure the integrity of the Democrat primaries if things keep going this way.
The very next night, President Donald Trump delivered a State of the Union address that was pretty okay. The most enjoyable part was how he just kept hammering the Democrats with one accomplishment after another and they just had to sit there and take it.
And the day after that, the president was completely and totally exonerated and acquitted by the US Senate in his bogus impeachment trial. Can’t wait to see what the rest of this glorious week
Meanwhile, this glorious meme features the triumphant Donny playing a little tune on his git-tar. (We didn’t even know he could play!)
“Still Your President” is sure to be one of the biggest hits of both 2020 and the next four years.