Ban Fossil Fools! Snort! Chortle!
Finally, an environmental cause we can all get behind!
Do you get the feeling that the Democrat Party is really on its last legs in America? They’re trying to convince us to replace the peace and unprecedented prosperity that we’re enjoying under President Donald Trump with… whatever Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden are selling.
The two Democrat “frontrunners” have lived close to a combined 160 years, and it’s really showing. We’ve got Joe Biden who has clearly lost his faculties and would be much happier feeding the ducks at a retirement home right now.
And the other leading choice for Democrats – Red Bernie – looks like he may have actually matriculated with Karl Marx at university. He certainly sounds like a cross between a grumpy old man and your college civics professor, doesn’t he?
Maybe the establishment leaders in the Democrat Party just didn’t want to set up someone more formidable for a loss to Donald Trump, and instead have that person waiting in the wings for 2024? Seems possible, since the two “fossil fools” don’t have a chance in November!